Post-Graduate Studies

 Hello, I hope all well fine. In this post i write about my dream of the post graduate Studies. 

Currently I don't know if i considered studying in a Master’s Program. Really, I would like finished my pre grade studies and after i would like to work in the Psychologic Area. After working as a in Psychologist I would think about study Master Program. If I study Master´s program, I would like study think about of psychologic infant and youth, especially in case of the abuse or trauma in Child.

Also, If I study master´s program I would like study about psychologic adult, especially in the gender and intimate partner violence.

Currently I don t know if to study in Chile or Outside, but if I study master´s program I would like study outside of Chile. I would like study in anywhere country what speak language Spanish because I don't know speak English very fine. If i study in country spoke english, i first learn speak english.

If i study master program i would like study in face to face form, because the online classes is a very a lot complicated for me.

I believe write the post in english class is a good tools for think in future and think in language english.

See you later until next post, i hope all well fine. 


  1. Hello! What fantastic specializations. I will look for more about the master's degree in child psychology, which can be a great contribution in my field and likewise, in the yours.


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